Bible Readings : Acts 10:34-43, John 20:11-18
I had a friend
once who decided that ‘doing emotion’ was too hard – who chose to live instead
seeking neither celebration nor sorrow – how did she do this? By pretty much cutting herself off from
relationships, from people – for it was when she got close to people that she
found herself scarily happy or inevitably disappointed or hurt.
Sometimes we do
that with Easter – choose not to engage with the seamier side you might
say. Flick straight from Palm Sunday’s
hosannas to Easter Sunday’s allelulias without the pain of Good Friday’s
horror– and yes Easter Saturday’s hopelessness.
And when we do this, we are not only ignoring the pain but also not
giving the incredible joy of Easter morning a look in. For it is from the doorway of pain and loss
that the risen Christ can be truly seen.
When I was
searching for a reflection that might weave together both the magnitude of
suffering and the joy of resurrected life into a clear message for us today I
found this book on my shelves ‘If Jesus were a teenager today’ by Tom
Kerr. There were several stories that
took my eye, especially the one about the island community whose understanding
of Easter as the death and resurrection of Jesus was gradually replaced by
purveyors of fine chocolate – but I thought I might keep that for another time
– and then there is this one ‘Hoping for an echo’ which I hope will speak to
you as it did to me.
If I came to your
door with flowers and chocolate and said, “I love you”, would that do the
If I came bearing
gifts I’d made especially for you, fashioned with my own hands... if I flung a
myriad of twinkling stars throughout the darkness of the night sky to show you
the light of my love... if I splashed my
love around your world in waterfalls, waves, rivers and rain....if I painted
you a world with all the colours of the rainbow, the delicacy of the flowers
and the blazing power of the sunrise and said, “This is all for you. I love you”, would that be enough? Would you see that I love you?
If I wrote you
letters and poems and songs and stories... if I put them all in a book and
dedicated it to you with all my love, would that move you? Would you believe me when I tell you that I
love you?
If I sent you
singers, poets and prophets, messengers, martyrs and saints to deliver the message
of my love, would they get through to you?
Would you listen and would your spirit be sparked to life? Would your soul rise up on wings like eagles
to ride upon the thermals of my love?
If I sent my love
to you in human packages, wrapped up in the skin of your family and friends,
would you catch on? Would you catch on
that their love was also my love? Would
you see those people who love you as a dowry from me to you?
And when your own
heart is at its best , when it swells up and overflows with compassion,
affection, caring and kindness, would you know that I was at the source? Would you know my love within the love you
feel or give to others? Do you know that
you love others because I first of all loved you.... and that they love you for
that same reason?
If I became like
you and felt your pain and cried your tears and wore your frustrations; battled
with the same desires and temptations that you struggle with; if I shared your
joys and bore your sorrows all just to say “I understand, I know, I love you”,
would you respond? Would you love me
If I chose to walk
a path of obedience that meant vulnerability and weakness, pain and death, so
that you and I might journey together in this life, and into life
everlasting... would that be proof enough for you to know? To know that I love you?
If I rose from the
dead and promised to stay with your always, to help you through the tough
times, to encourage and guide you in loving and caring for this world, to break
into your heart just so that every day I could whisper to you how much I love
you? Would I hear an echo, would there
be a faint reply? Even a meek response
from you that said that you love me too?
God of love, let
our echo be strong on this day especially.
For of all days this is the day when we know without doubt your love for
We do love
you. Help us to show our love – by the
words of our mouths, in our prayers and our praise, by the deeds that we
do. We will strive to give others our
love, your love, as if giving it directly to you. By our efforts and with your help we will
seek to surrender to your ways, to feel as you feel, to care as your care, and
to love you with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls, and
with all our strength.
So that we might
truly show that the echo you hope for is there.
So that we might truly know your presence around the table and in our
lives. So that we might truly say with
great joy Alleluia Christ is risen. Amen
Margaret Garland
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