Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Prayer Litany for Remembrance Sunday by Tui Bevin

Confession, Thanksgiving and Intercession Psalm written by Tui Bevin

Merciful God:
We confess we live in a world with abuse, bullying and consumerism;
despair, ecological degradation & fake facts;
Lord, have mercy upon us

We confess we live in a world with global warming, hunger and inequality;
jealousy, killing fields and labelling;
Lord, have mercy upon us

We confess we live in a world with military proliferation, nihilism and oppression;
pollution, quackery and religious intolerance;
Lord, have mercy upon us

We confess we live in a world with slavery, terrorism & unprecedented threats to creation;
too many vulnerable, war and xenophobia;
Lord, have mercy upon us

We confess we live in a world with youth underemployment
and zillions of pieces of plastic and rubbish polluting our seas, land, air and space;
Lord, have mercy upon us

Merciful Lord,
We confess we can be part of the problem,
living with insufficient thought
of You, others, our world or the future;

Lord, have mercy upon us


Let us pray.
Generous God:
We give thanks for artists, books and all creation;
dreams and diversity, education and friendship;
Lord, our cup overflows

We give thanks for generosity, health and inspiration;
Jesus, kindness and love and laughter;
Lord, our cup overflows

We give thanks for mentors, nature’s bounty, and the oceans;
pets and prayer, quirkiness and rainbows;
Lord, our cup overflows

We give thanks for sunshine, thinking, and unconditional love;
voting, water and xylophones;
Lord, our cup overflows

We give thanks for youthfulness, zinnias
and all the things that sustain us;
Lord, our cup overflows

Generous Lord, You are the source of all and give us all we need and more.
Help us be grateful and give You thanks and praise.

Compassionate God:
We also pray for aroha, bravery to speak out, and compassion;
     discernment, the earth, and forgiveness;
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for   generosity, hope and integrity;
justice, Kiwi ingenuity and love;
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for   music making, neighbourliness and openness;
peacemaking, questing and resourcefulness;
Lord, hear our prayer.
We pray for   shalom, thankfulness and unity;
vision, wisdom and expansiveness;
Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for   understanding of Your will for us, Your kingdom here on earth,
and zeal for the road ahead;
Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God, You are the alpha and omega,  before any beginning and beyond any ending.  You have given us all we need ~ and more.   Help us use what we have
to live each moment with the end in mind, Your end.
Lord, hear our prayers both spoken and unspoken


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