Gospel Reading: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Let us pray: O God, may your word
be spoken and received with open hearts and minds, that we may find your truth,
your purpose in them for us. Amen.
Rachel Remen, in her book Kitchen
Table Wisdom tells the story of how, when she was just 3 or 4, her father
began a family tradition of putting out a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle on a
table and then hiding the box lid with the picture on it so that no-one knew
what picture would eventually emerge. The child Rachel wanted to participate
but wasn’t sure how – when she climbed up to look she noticed that some pieces
were dark and shadowy and others brightly coloured and decided that the dark
ones were like spiders or bugs, ugly and a little frightening. So she gathered them up and hid them under a
cushion – a few at a time until there were around a hundred pieces
missing. She eventually owned up to
doing this and watched as her mother added them to the picture – and said that
she was astounded as this amazing picture emerged of a peaceful beautiful
deserted beach. Without the bits she had
taken, the dark pieces, the picture made no sense.
Its an analogy that could speak to many parts of our lives I suspect but
the focus for today, the question I want to ask of every person here, minister,
elder, congregational members is: what aspects of our ministry (remembering
that we are all involved in ministry as the body of Christ) as individuals and
as a community of faith are we holding back on, not allowing to emerge, because
we think they are of no value, or even shadowy, scary, and unworthy, not relevant
or needed in the building of the Kingdom of God here in this place.
It seems to be to be a particularly relevant question today as we come
together to celebrate the induction of Eric into this Parish and to welcome
Eric and Kim to this community. What
could the ministry life of this parish – any of our parishes really – look like
if we brought all our gifts, the bright shiny ones and the not so obviously
polished ones to our ministry?
For this passage we heard read today has within it the realities of the
life of ministry – and, in no particular order, we see Jesus teaching, all of
them getting burnt out, working hard at spending time in worshipping community,
all of them spending time in conversation and reflection with God, and
responding to the needs of the wider world, often to the point of exhaustion,
so that healing might take place.
And within those who participated in that ministry with Jesus, there
would be many different skills, awkward moments of inadequacy, and amazing
experiences in the power of God. We are
no different – all called to exercise our particular ministry through both our
obvious gifts and also in our more shadowy, less obvious skills. For if we bring only our bright shiny gifts
we are not seeing the whole picture of the kingdom here in this place. For I believe that it is in our moments of
offering our vulnerable self, our uncertain, untested self in ministry that we
most find God and others most know God in us.
In parish ministry, for any community of faith, this means stepping
beyond the easy, the comfortable into the place of trust in God and each other
to support, care for and nurture each one of us not only in our strengths but
in what we might see as inadequacies.
My husband is a musician – and I’ve often heard him use a throwaway phrase
like ‘I might as well cut off my fingers now’ when he sees a superlative
guitarist or percussionist’ – in other words no way I could match them so I’ll
stop. I think we do that too – whilst I
was on holiday there was a sermon preached at Opoho that had me thinking – this
tongue has no business expounding the Gospel - it has got to go.....
Ministry is hard work for all of us, it feels like too much at times and
we can so totally relate to this day in the life of Jesus and the
Apostles. Overwhelmed would not be too
strong a word sometimes. Wouldn’t it be
easier if we could switch on and off a bit more, could just do say, the worship
bit on Sunday and trust God with the rest of the week. Or if we could only pick up on those things
that we shine at, and not expose ourselves to new and uncertain experiences in
case we stumble. It might be, I suggest
that this attitude is one of the reasons why some people find church life
increasingly irrelevant as they can perceive a culture of accomplishment at
odds with the ups and downs of ordinary life.
It’s hard to approach someone with your messy up and down life if see no
such vulnerabilities in their life.
So how do we live this life of immensely rewarding but also challenging,
exhausting, vulnerable ministry that is the life Christ calls us to follow so
that we might make Christ known in our communities?
Lets come back to the text.
Jesus shows us that ministry is about teaching and learning of God
through scripture, community and all that have gone before. None of us have the whole truth, all of us
have truths and stories and understandings to share with each other. A minister of Word and Sacrament, as we call
it in the Presbyterian Church, has a particular role as a teaching elder, but
each one of us has a responsibility, if not a passionate need, to be able to
articulate our faith, to ‘teach’ others, to develop our common understanding of
God and the life that Christ calls us to.
When we are all willing to learn, share and explore the Gospel message together,
that is when we make Jesus Christ known in our communities.
Ministry is about time with God in rest and reflection – come away with
me and rest awhile says Jesus.
One part of the training that interns receive from Knox Centre, and that
I think we all as people of faith well should well consider, is about recovering the concept of the Sabbath
– finding within your ministry time a space for reflection- for deliberate,
personal, quality God time – and we are not solely here talking about daily
devotions or words of prayer but rather of intentional listening and resting in
the presence of God. And it was the
hardest teaching for almost everyone to grasp – or at least to translate into
actual Parish life. We all knew it would
be the first thing to go in the busyness and commitment of being a Minister – or
in fact of anyone with a busy life and too many things to juggle and so it was
kind of ‘this would be lovely...’ rather than ‘this must be...’ It wasn’t that we thought it scary – rather
that it was of lesser need than the obvious ‘doing’ roles ahead of us. One of the pieces of our faith life that gets
regularly shoved under the cushion, you might say.
Ministry, says Jesus, is about spending time together – in worship and
around the table – re-membering who and whose we are so that we minister from
the heart of God, not just from duty or the law. When we gather in joy and praise, when we
come in prayer as the people of God, when we listen and respond to scripture,
when we eat together and laugh together we are equipping ourselves, clothing
ourselves in the love of Christ through the power of the Spirit so that we can
effectively and compassionately minister
to others – within the church family we are part of and facing outwards – into
community – where healing and justice and love is so desperately needed. ‘And he had compassion for them...’
How might our compassion look if we not only bring the shiny pieces of
the puzzle – our gifts, our sureties, our tried and tested ways, but also our unknown,
less obviously valued pieces, our uncertainties, our vulnerabilities, our
doubts and struggles and perceived failures?
When we each offer all that we are in our ministries, not just
our ‘good’ gifts, then Jesus Christ can truly be made known in us and through
This is new jigsaw being laid out in the community of Middlemarch today
–maybe it’s time to hide the lid of the puzzle box and see what will emerge as
you bring all that you are and can be to the ministry of Jesus Christ in this
parish. Take care of one another, teach,
rest, share and nurture and may we, each of us, together create a place of hope
and compassion and justice and love in the name of the living Christ. Amen
Margaret Garland