Readings: Acts
2:1-21, John 15:26-27, 16:12-15
Let us pray: Let us pray:
Loving, living God, open our hearts and minds to hear your words, your
prayer for us, your people. Amen.
“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all
together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like
the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were
sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested
on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” [Acts 2: 1-4]
It’s a powerful passage isn’t it – full of drama -
a momentous event that birthed the church and changed lives forever. Look too at the powerful symbolism – fire, wind,
a babble of tongues and the Holy
Spirit – the dove – entering into all those who believed. We have some of those symbols around the
church today – thanks to the Youth Group and others. We have encouraged that symbolism too this
morning with the lighting of the many shaped and coloured candles – bringing to
mind not only that all are welcome in God’s house but that we come as many
different people, yet one in the unity of Christ.
Today I want to pick up that theme of diversity in
unity a little more and apply it particularly to our worship time. A number of things have directed my thoughts
towards this. One is that Abby and a
small group are revisiting what it means to be a Kid’s Friendly church – using
PCANZ resources and expertise we are wanting to know how we could be more
welcoming and inclusive of young people.
And this immediately expands, for me anyway, into whether we are also a
disabled friendly or other culture friendly church too. A second has been the worship and faith
questionnaire that all of you? have filled in (or are about to). This is not about pre-empting what you might
have to share in those responses but rather about acknowledging that there are
going to be many differing needs and so we need to be thinking about how we
might respond with grace and integrity to those which are raised. The third thing has been the reading today of
the many diverse people, from all walks of life, all cultures, who were united
in the gifting of the Holy Spirit, understanding each other easily in that
moment of wonder and in the power of the Spirit.
Let’s begin with the reading from Acts. The people came from many places and spoke
many languages – now I don’t know if they were all Jews at this point –scholars
seem to think so – but they were speaking different languages and from
differing cultural groups. They would
have not easily mixed would they – can’t you just see the little pockets of languages
sitting together in their own spaces – all probably having the same
conversation of anticipation but only with those whom they could easily
converse and be understood. And then they found that, in the Spirit, they were
able to cross those barriers, lose some inhibitions, talk with strangers,
people that, moments before, they may have considered outsiders. It was unusual enough for some bystanders to
immediately think they were all drunk as skunks – what else could cause such an
aberration from normal dignified behaviour?
And afterwards, after the excitement had subsided somewhat – well they listened to Peter preaching and
many were baptised and, I assume, eventually they returned to where they had
come from. But it was different now –
they had been melded into a community of faith, wherever they went – they met
together to praise God, to pray, to share food around the table and care for
others. It was indeed the beginning of
church. But, and this was the point that
stood out for me – they didn’t all suddenly turn into identical clones who
agreed on everything and saw everything the same way – they were still who they
were, still old and young, women and men,
Jew and Gentile, traditional and contemporary, mathematicians and
artists, emotive and logical, impatient and slow to decision. United in the
love of God made known in Christ and now empowered by the Spirit, they became
community but not to the degree of losing their individuality, their
uniqueness. There was no magic speaking
with one voice, seeing the world with one set of eyes - as Paul’s and other’s
letters attest to. In fact there were
those who headed off in some pretty weird directions, those who tried to make
everyone do it their way, those who broke away to form new groups, those that
thought they were right and others wrong, those that embraced change and those
that fought for tradition. What actually
kept them together, kept them travelling on the road of love and grace was to
be constantly reminded in the Spirit of what Jesus taught and lived. The Spirit takes what is the Son’s and makes
it known. And what is the Son’s is from
and of the Father’s as Jesus reminds us in his prayers for us. Jesus made alive in the Spirit kept them in
God’s purpose.
So how is this reflected in worship in 21st
century, let’s say New Zealand for want of some kind of containment? Well I guess the first thing to consider is
whether there are ways that we sort of huddle together so to speak, making it
hard for others to break into our comfortable spaces. We have probably all been in churches where
children are sshhed or glared at for the slightest noise. Some of us may have
attended worship where everyone but you knows what to do and when, and anyone
who is new to worship will remember I am sure trying to get a handle on the
language used and what it means– I came across a phrase in my reading for today
‘What we have in the
Pentecost narrative is an ethno-eschatological unveiling (apokalupsis) that deconstructs a
theology of ethnic exclusionism toward a broader theological vision.”
Actually I am just being silly there but you know what I
Where do we see worship in terms of the presence of the Holy
Spirit unifying us in Christ and the fact that each of us has differing
opinions, understandings, approaches to what it means to be Christian. Nowhere is this more clearly shown than in
the debates that have taken place around our ability to hold any longer to one
creed – to be able to state together what it is that we believe as a Church
when much of the theological content is not expressing what we, each of us,
believe. Even the attempt of PCANZ to
produce a contemporary confession of faith, Kupu Whakapono, has met with a
lukewarm response by many. And yet we
are called by Christ to express our unity as a people of God – how do we do that in worship?
One way is in the Affirmations of Faith that we say each
week. Each one starts off with ‘We
believe...’ but you haven’t had a chance
to suss out whether you do or not. I
used to think that a communal statement of faith was just that – something that
I had to believe literally and concretely to be a Christian; and discovered in
fact that that thinking confined God to humankind’s ability to shape words
around the divine. An impossibility I would
suggest – especially if we bring all our differing perspectives and attitudes
to bear. Now I see an Affirmation of
Faith as an opening up of the possibilities of the mystery of God made known in
Christ and through the Spirit. Some
phrases perplex, some aggravate, some
deeply connect, for each of us I suspect differently, as we together look for ways to share our
belief that we are made one in the transforming love of God.
The last point I would want to make about unity and diversity
in worship is that of how we use language.
When I was a member of St Andrews in Amberley, and it came to the Lord’s
prayer – I just loved the invitation from the minister of the time to say the
version that we were each most comfortable with – for most it was the old
version, for some the modern – and we did.
On this day of all day, when many languages were heard, it seem
appropriate to say that if you want to use the old version of the Lord’s
prayer, do so – if you want to say it in your native tongue, do so, if you hear
your neighbour doing just that hold to your way of doing so, that is just
fine. Saying this doesn’t make me any
more comfortable to be in a worship service where people are speaking in
tongues – that is not what I am talking about – but I am saying that we don’t
all have to be completely on the same page with everything that we do and say –
it’s not about uniformity but about integrity and unity in our
differences. When we come to sing the
last hymn – I am going to sing some slightly different words rather than saying
that God is just for men – that matters to me but it is of absolutely no import
to others – we can sing different words and still be one in the Spirit, can we
not? I think so.
So let us not be uncomfortable or threatened by difference,
our individual takes on God and worship and Church, but let us be comforted on
this Pentecost Sunday by the knowledge that, for 2000 years, unity in God’s
love is made known in the Spirit and is to be lived out in all our loving and
caring diversity as Christ’s disciples, as Christ’s church as we have done here
in Opoho for many years and will for many to come. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Margaret Garland